These are all the known parameters for DOOM 2 and the first DOOM. Note: When using these parameters, the - must proceed the option. -devparm developer’s mode. Pressing F1 while running DOOM will create a PCX screen shot in your DOOM directory. You can make up to 99 PCX files. -watch demo mode, runs the demo of DOOM 2 @ Used to read in a command line parm file -altdeath Activates DeathMatch v2.0 (v1.4 and above) -comdev Unknown -config + Reads an alternate configuration file -control Unknown -deathmatch + Starts NetDoom in Deathmatch mode -debugfile Dumps debugging info to debug.txt -devparm Puts you in developers mode -episode + Starts on episode (1-3) -GUS Unknown -GUS1 Unknown -fast +++ Nightmare mode without respawn -file + Allows usage of an external PWAD file -left ++ Sets up a network terminal for the "left view" -loadgame + Starts from a saved game (0-5) -maxdemo + Specifies the maximum size of a LMP recording -net + Starts NetDoom with 1-4 players -noblit Internal bugging switch, useless -nodraw Internal bugging switch, useless -nojoy Does not use the joystick -nomonsters + Starts the game without monsters -nomouse Does not use the mouse -nomusic Does not play background music -nosfx No sound effects -nosound No sound at all -playdemo #+ Plays back a recorded demo -record + Makes a demo recording until you finish or die -recordfrom <0-5> + Records a demo from a saved game -regdev Unknown -respawn + Causes enemies to respawn in non-Nightmare -right ++ Sets up a network terminal for "right view" -skill + Starts on skill level (1-5) -timedemo # Calculates the number of times the screen is redrawn when playing a demo -turbo Increases the speed of the marine -timer (time) allows you to set a timed game n minutes -fast Increases Monsters firing rate -turbo Speeds up your running -CDROM Allows DOOM 2 to run off of the CD-ROM version -AVG Allows a 20 minute gaming session -Warp Warps to Level (1-32) +: Does not require the "-DEVPARM" parameter. ++: If you have a network, try setting up a network game with three players. The three terminals should have the parameters: "doom -devparm -net 3 -left" "doom -devparm -net 3" "doom -devparm -net 3 -right" Then, set up the left and right terminal monitors next to the middle monitor, in a virtual-reality type configuration. When you turn your head, you see the screen turned 90 degrees! This ONLY works with versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 of DOOM. +++: Must be used in conjunction with the "-WARP" parameter #: For the "-playdemo" and "-timedemo" options, if you give an LMP file name of "demo#" (i.e. "demo3"), then that internal demo will be played if the external LMP file is not found. For example, to play the internal 1.6 shareware demo #2 (multiplayer demo), type "doom -playdemo demo2". If you know of any other parameters, please send them to me at 73252,1413 Robert E. Waring Author: DOOM Totally Unauthrorized Tips & Secrets.